New Collection of Mathematics Online Seminars

April 10, 2020

As you might have seen already, I’ve created a new page on my website – Webinar Collection – and I briefly want to explain its aim.

Christian Elsholtz and I have decided to somehow gather interesting online seminar talks on combinatorics and number theory because there are many available but it is difficult to keep track of them. For this purpose, I have created a calendar which is available at the Webinar Collection page. If you are interested, you can subscribe to it or copy single entries to your own calendar or just visit the website from time to time. Moreover, it’ll be great if you also contribute to collect online talks (because the list is still quite empty at the moment): If you are aware of interesting webinars which are still missing on our list and you want to share them with other people, you can use the submission form which available on the website as well. By submitting a talk, it is automatically transferred to the calendar.

We hope that this somehow helps and that we don’t miss any interesting talks in the future! We welcome any feedback and suggestions for improvements, please send me an email in case.

*Please do not hesitate to send me an email if you have any comments regarding this blog post! Note that the English and the German versions of this post may differ slightly. However, you can be sure that the content is the same.